
This page gives a quick introduction to Chana. It assumes you already have Chana installed. If you do not, head over to the Installation section.

Using the Chana NLP Toolkit

A minimal code to use the Chana Toolkit looks something like this:

import chana.lemmatizer as lem
import chana.ner as ner
import chana.syllabificator as syl
import chana.pos_tagger as pos

lemmatizer = lem.ShipiboLemmatizer()
lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize('pikanwe')

ship_ner = ner.ShipiboNER()
ner_tags = ship_ner.crf_tag('Enero Limanko atsa enra piawe')

tagger = pos.ShipiboPosTagger()
tags = tagger.pos_tag('Atsa enra piai')

syllables = syl.syllabify('atsabo')

So what did that code do?

  1. First we imported the Chana tools (Lemmatizer, NER, Syllabificator and Pos-Tagger).
  2. Next we create an instance of the Shipibo Lemmatizer and then we used it to get the lemma of a Shipibo word.
  3. We then create an instance of the Shipibo NER and use it to get the NER tags of a Shipibo sentence.
  4. Next we create an instance of the Shipibo Pos-Tagger and use it to get the pos-tags of a Shipibo sentence.
  5. Finally we use the syllabify function of the Shipibo Syllabificator in order to get the syllables of a Shipibo word.

Just save it as test.py or something similar, to start using the chana tools with your own input.